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Beef Kababs / my made up method for cooking meat in the oven.

submitted by ghostofvoatspast to Cooking 2.7 yearsSep 14, 2021 22:24:45 ago (+5/-0)     (Cooking)

I have created a way to cook meat in the oven that is on par with BBQing.

Marinate, season and prepare.

Heat cast iron skillet on high for 5 minutes.

Sear each side for 2 minutes.

Oven cooking preparation (preheat to 375)

Take aluminum foil and roll (crumple) strips the thickness of a drumsticks, make enough to cover bottom of casserole dish every 1". This is done to keep the meat raised off of the bottom of the dish. You want to prevent the meat from steaming and cooking in its own juices and allow for air to circulate under the meat.

Place meat on top of foil in dish.

cook for 25 minutes.

I also use this self created method for steaks and it works great. Nothing is as good as BBQing with charcoal, however, this is the best method I have ever used for oven meat cooking.

I also used this method for frozen chicken and it worked great so that problem is solved.

I'm so sick and tied of homeless people.

3 comments block

I too have baked my kabobs when it was raining and I didn’t want to bbq. However, I did only veggies that time and I had great success. Next time I pop some lamb or beef on the skewers, I’ll remember this. 👍