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Multiple angles of black rapper SUV of peace attack

submitted by beholdapalehorse to whatever 2.6 yearsNov 22, 2021 02:48:44 ago (+43/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


The driver made a rap video featuring the red SUV of peace. Where's St. Kyle when ya need him?

YT VIDEO of his Alias "mathboi fly" (can't make this up)


Apparently this POS is a self admitted child sex trafficker. link to Twitter backup before is shoahed.


Apparently his name is Darrell Edward Brooks Jr.

The media is already trying to spin it as him fleeing for safety or some b.s.

Anyways, enough sleuthing for me. And it's my first news post! You fags make sure to leave some hate on the yt video or maybe save it before it's oy veyed out of existence. I couldn't watch more than 10 sec before my ears bled.

Edit: so jew tube deleted his math boi fly account over night. Luckily a good Samaritan saved a back up, but expect this to be oy veyed too: https://youtu.be/a_OFO20Xu0A

Around blacks, never relax.

32 comments block

Edit: Wisconsin relaxed.