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Sickening evidence of VIP pedos given kids to rape in the Maxwell case! Judge urged to release the names of those that got blackmailed in this pedo honeypot!!!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.6 yearsNov 17, 2021 23:49:47 ago (+23/-0)     (archive.md)


The case opens on the 29th, just two weeks from now!

Something big will happen as a distraction if the names are produced for the public.

We already got Epstein's flight logs. We got some of the names but others certainly traveled by other means and possibly to other pedos properties in the area. Like Biden's Water Island property eight miles away.

Could this case tie in all the other evidence that the FBI and nypd got like HRC server, Harvey Weinstein operation, Hunter's laptop, Huma Abedin insurance file, Lex Wexner operation at Victoria's Secret, Brittany Spiers case, John McAfee deadmans switch, Gislane Maxwell's stash and Epstein's stash?

This could turn in any direction if the court isn't rigged or Epstein shows up as states witness!

This case makes the Rittenhouse trial look very insignificant by comparison.

5 comments block

dingbat 0 points 2.6 years ago

Did you see the (((judge))) assigned to this case? I predict it’s going to be a quiet trial with all the protection going to the kikess Mossad agent and her cronies.