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Peanut butter brand goes woke for no reason at all, pushing faggotry on kids

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 2.6 yearsNov 16, 2021 08:15:15 ago (+35/-0)     (finance.yahoo.com)


What fucking galaxy brain faggot in their marketing department were like "hey, we're the largest peanut butter brand in the country, how can we isolate ourselves in the market by exposing and dividing our customers social stances?"

Just make peanut butter faggots.

It was dogshit sugar infused garbage peanut butter anyway but it's still fucking retarded.

30 comments block

kishind 0 points 2.6 years ago

So... Blackrock is bankrolling companies according to a woke score or "ESG rating". They go woke to suck up to Big Finance. Blackock has $7 trillion and the Federal Reserve connections to call it $Infinity.

Fucking banker jews fucking our shit up.