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Blue eyes, green eyes, red hair, yellow hair, pale skin with freckles, all are dying out.

submitted by Paradoxical003 to whatever 2.6 yearsNov 2, 2021 10:38:04 ago (+22/-0)     (whatever)

We must institute some solution to preserve these endangered and recessive phenotypes from going into extinction.

I propose doing what conservationists do with endangered species, and institute some form of breeding program.

Maybe start a red hair league, yellow hair league, blue eyed league, and green eyed league. To help get couples with shared phenotypes together.

Maybe go back to arranging marriages, where fathers of sons and fathers of daughters agree that their children should be wed, and make arrangements for them to do so when they come of suitable age.

Maybe we could turn to biotechnology and try to save the phenotypes with designer babies.

Maybe we could do something else.

On another note, whites are also in decline, so we should do what we can to guarantee that white males have biological children, quality of men no longer matters, all that matters is that tge men are white, so that we could get the number of white children up. I don't care how we do it. We just need to do it.

These are desperate circumstances which require desperate solutions.

19 comments block

sgtmac 0 points 2.6 years ago

White people - the true people of color.