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A Conspiracy Exists at NASA and at Every Level in the Mainstream Scientific Community to Prevent Knowledge of Advanced Life on Planet Mars Becoming Manifest - Most notably in the roll call of wankers, falsifiers and liars that make up the alumni of the Virtual Mars Society

submitted by MartinTimothy to conspiracy 2.7 yearsOct 16, 2021 18:55:56 ago (+3/-1)     (www.marssociety.org)


This is the stuff they are actively suppressing ..

b]A carved bust photographed in Gusev Crater on Mars by NASA's [Spirit Rover in 2008 shows a robed figure wearing a crown, that he could pass for a modern man turns Charles Darwin's Descent of Man pdf on its head, as well it refutes Adam and Eve and the notion men evolved from Ethiopian ape brutes.[/b]

Martian Hyroelectric Power Scheme, Curiosity Mastcam Sol 953.

Pipe Flanges With Bolt Holes, Opportunity Sol 4689.

Martian Head & Shattered Masonry, Curiosity Sol 969.

Hammered, Forge Welded Steel Spear Point, Opportunity Sol 3756.

Martian Salamander, Curiosity Sol 1640.

Mars Snake, Opportunity Sol 3063.

Martian Crab, Opportunity Rover Landing Site Sol 344.

Martian Fox, Opportunity Sol 985.

Live Martian 1, Curiosity Sol 127.

Live Martian 2 & Stone Head, Curiosity Sol 300.

Live Martian 3, Opportunity Sol 1682 Part1, Part2.

Disembodied Human Hand & Foot, Curiosity Sol 608.

Dead Martian 1, Opportunity Sol 4183.

Dead Martian 2, Opportunity Sol 4182.

Dead Martians 3 & 4, Opportunity Sol 4182.

The Inscription .. Look Hard, Curiosity Sol 1099.

Martian Whale 1, Curiosity Sol 1276.

Martian Whale 2 & Crocodile Skull, Curiosity Sol 1281.

The Martian Bull, PIA 16918.

b]Proof of an advanced industrial society with living & dead Martians and other creatures, returned by the NASA [Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity Mars Rovers.[/b]

Curiosity Rover landed in Gale Crater which is three miles deep and one hundred mi across, which means the impact that formed the crater displaced some 7,500 cubic miles of volcanic ash, to reveal an ancient surface that is in large part intact!

The ash blanket that covers much of Mars' surface came from successive eruptions of volcanoes on the Tharsis Shield, which are said to have occurred between "3.7 billion and 500 million yrs ago."

[b]The classical civilization that produced the statues and built the stone platforms predated the Tharsis eruptions, which enlarges the evolutionary time frame out of sight as well it adds the dimension of space travel.[/b]

Human Skulls on Planet Venus 1, Space.com.

Human Skulls on Planet Venus 2 - ML.com.

Data returned by the Soviet Venera Program that went from 1961 to 1984 proves there were humans on planet Venus, information that has similarly been kept under wraps.


[b]Take another look at the Martian 1 image returned by the Curiosity Rover on Sol 127, that the Martian bears a strong resemblance to Ernie one half of the Sesame Street Bert and Ernie brotherhood, is evidence manned missions had been to Mars by the time their characters appeared, which predated the NASA Rovers by decades.[/b]

We have hundreds more pics incorporating boats, stone axes and human remains.

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We’ve never left the Earth. We can’t and we haven’t figured out how to.