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What is this strange deep underwater depression off the coast of Mayanmar? Is that what Guislane Maxwell was interested in with her TerraMar Project with submarines?

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.7 yearsOct 20, 2021 01:51:15 ago (+-3/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


What's better way to ship your underwater cargo of sex slaves than to have access in enemy territory that no one will dare enter!

This depression so close to the coast could be exploited to provide an onland exchange under a roof and free from scrutiny.

But that would leave room for more cargo opportunities to smuggle stuff in and out of Mayanmar/China. Putting Maxwell in a position to know more about China's attacks on the west than she would otherwise have known.

Maxwell took whatever damming evidence she could ever get her hands on for her insurance file. She must have a goldmine is shit on the very top elites.

So why did she really have that ocean conservation charity with ties to Mayanmar and need a submarine then?

Wide shot!


She is in court defending herself now and the names have all supposedly been released for her accomplices. Where is it?

Why does another court filing against Maxwell for sex trafficking also names Guffrey's lawyer David Boise as a defendant in the crimes?!

I think Maxwell has been singing and Guffrey's lawyer is fucked, a part of this trafficking gang.

He is the same guy that silenced Harvey winestien's victims for twenty years.

His law firm has been bleeding Lawyer's like crazy in recent months.

His wife is a member of the Counsil on foreign relations CFR!

He offered his services to Guffrey for free.

He has been hiding the testimony of other victims from his own client and the court to save his gang.

And prince Andrew has been served.

This containment operation has imploded!

The silence from this case speaks volumes. It must be under a gag order now that the FBI named everyone involved. That would obviously include FBI brass if it was true.

So are we about to get the whole story or s coverup again?

The judge has made sure the truth came out in court. This must mean we will be getting an announcement soon on what the scandal is and how it's being handled.

All at a time when Nancy and Joe and heading out the door leaving Harris holding the bag.

The cabal would be fucked if this one case got out in public and we all know it. But how big is it really? Why Mayanmar?!

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deleted 0 points 2.7 years ago
