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Country music superstar Travis Tritt cancels concerts at venues requiring COVID vaccinations, mask mandates, and testing

submitted by Cynabuns to Covid1984 2.6 yearsOct 19, 2021 12:24:01 ago (+41/-0)     (www.theblaze.com)


Country music legend Travis Tritt has announced that he will not play concert venues that require their patrons to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination, mask mandates, or require pre-show testing.
"Any show I have booked that discriminates against concert-goers by requiring proof of vaccination, a COVID test, or a mask is being canceled immediately. Many people are taking a firm stand against these mandates around the country, and I wholeheartedly support that cause...Tritt added that he is "willing" to stand up for America's freedoms and has no problem taking his tour elsewhere. ...“This is a sacrifice that I'm willing to make to stand up for the freedoms that generations of Americans have enjoyed for their entire lifetimes," the 58-year-old hit musician added. “There are plenty of promoters and venues around the country that appreciate fans and the freedom of choice in this great country, and those are the promoters and venues that I will be supporting."


15 comments block

Same here. And I hate the majority of country music.