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8 comments block

d1a 0 points 2.7 years ago

They do it to con retards like yourself into unironically believing that a man with so many ties to Israel, with all of his children married to jews, that fucked whites every chance he got while in office... IS ACTUALLY ANTI-ZOG!!! Hahahahhaha

Like are you fucking serious man? It's like you believe that what media/Hollywood/bigtech says is what they think.

Not to mention that you fell for the fucking democracy psyop out of all things. Yeeeees goy, people choose the presidents. Yeeeeees goy, politicians have power. Yeeeeees goy, cattle populace can influence things! Jews are controlling the entire world, all of media... BUT POLITICIANS EXIST THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE NOT ACTORS ONONONONO THERE IS A DIPLOMATIC SOLUTION BRO THEY STOLE THE ELECTION BRO NEXT GUY THEY PLANT TO RUN FOR "PRESIDENT" IS GONNA SAVE US BRO!!!!!!! WWG1WGA AM I RIGHT FELLOW CONSERVATIVES?

... get a fucking hold of yourself, please.