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Anybody else think that the 100+ container ships off the coast are a staging area for an invasion?

submitted by allahead to whatever 2.7 yearsOct 7, 2021 14:30:43 ago (+24/-0)     (duckduckgo.com)


If they just want engineered shortages, why make it and ship it half way?

The government says they don't have enough people to unload the ships. The workers say the government won't allow them to unload.

China owns several key West Coast ports.

East Coast ports are backing up quickly as well.

edit: Weapons and supplies, I'm not saying there's troops in there. Probably 50 million drones with carfentanil sprayers.

37 comments block

If you have it together enough to have earned that on your own, you could be rich as fuck but thats not what you want. There isnt anything wrong with just doing what you need to get by and own your own stuff. If you had the skills to get there free and clear, properly applying those these days will quickly get you making 6 figures in almost any line of work.