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How it starts - Pride parade in Hungary

submitted by boxslowly to WorldPolitics 2.7 yearsSep 20, 2021 05:07:02 ago (+19/-0)     (dailynewshungary.com)


"All you need is love" "We're just a bunch of cool hip kids everybody" "All we want is to be treated equal"

12 comments block

Isn't it wonderful how (((they))) have completely hijacked the term "Pride", so now any time the word is mentioned people immediately associate it with either nigger lives matter, or faggot pride?

We've long passed a point where people had HEALTHY egos, and took PRIDE in the work that they did, had responsibilities, work hard and get results.

Now not only is that mindset mostly absent in modern culture, but the very word PRIDE has been besmirched.