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This Picture Really Pisses Off the Cunt Who Killed Her Unborn Child

submitted by SparklingWiggle to BannedFromSocialMedia 2.7 yearsSep 19, 2021 00:48:01 ago (+36/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


If you have a social media sock puppet account post this picture. Only do it once or the kikes that own the platform will permaban the account. The cunt is a member of the British Parliament and run a very sophisticated algorith to hunt for it. Flipping it and distorting the coloring will still get tracked, so it must really make them angry. Fuck her and her fucking clown husband. Fuck the kikes. Fuck the jab that keeps on killing.

Edit: I appear to be wrong about her nationality and position. She is American and a nutjob.


She stalks people and files DMCA takedowns for screenshots.

15 comments block

Such an obvious decision to make - and she STILL got it wrong!