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300 chickens found on Brooklyn intersection after falling off truck - destined for the Jewish pre-Yom Kippur blood sacrifice ritual Kapparot

submitted by TFS to news 2.8 yearsSep 12, 2021 13:17:28 ago (+47/-0)     (news.ifindfast.com)


"Around 300 Cornish Cross chickens were found in crates on a busy Brooklyn intersection after falling off a delivery truck, with the rescuers thinking the chickens could have been destined for the Jewish pre-Yom Kippur ritual of Kapparot, the New York Daily News reported.

The chickens had been found by the organization Animal Care Centers. Of the 300, 30 had died, but 253 were saved, with the owner of the slaughterhouse transporting them deciding not to rescue them, activist Katy Hansen said, the Daily News reported, adding that they think the chickens were meant for Kapparot.

The Jerusalem Post reached out to the Animal Care Centers for comment.

The Kapparot ritual is an important practice done ahead of Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism. The ritual itself involves swinging a live chicken over one’s head three times and reciting a prayer to transfer sins to the bird. The chicken is then slaughtered and donated to the poor.

According to the New York Daily News, it is estimated that 50,000 to 100,000 chickens are killed for Kapparot every year.

In recent years, money has replaced the chicken in the rite for many Jewish groups, but the practice continues in some communities, including in Orthodox neighborhoods of Brooklyn. That has angered advocates who say the practice is abusive to animals.

“In light of the COVID-19 virus, and the consensus that it arose from a zoonotic cause, many people have been questioning how the city can possibly allow Kapparot to take place this year,” attorney Nora Constance Marino said in a statement in July 2020. She said the current pandemic represented new evidence that warranted reopening the suit.
Organizations in Israel have also fought against the continuation of the practice. Back in 2018, an appeal was submitted to the High Court of Justice demanding it ban the ritual, claiming it violated the animal cruelty laws in Israel, which forbid torturing animals."


These demons actually believe that if they sacrifice the life of an innocent bird, they can transfer all their sins to that helpless animal, and free themselves of any consequences of their actions. This is their perverted idea of atonement. The jew can then go on being a typical sneaky, lying, subversive, thieving, genocidal jew for another year until the time comes to sacrifice another innocent animal to save their evil soul.

The jewish idea of religion is all about cheating their "god".

31 comments block

money has replaced the chicken

Doubtful. They just sell the chickens afterwards