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Heading out now to close my bank account.

submitted by Flabbygasted to DumpsterFireAmerica 2.8 yearsSep 10, 2021 10:05:23 ago (+42/-0)     (DumpsterFireAmerica)

If the biden admin can take my job from me for being unvaxxed, how long until they can shut my bank account off for being unvaxxed? There are a few other reasons, but this sealed the deal for me.

Those motherfuckers dont have enough cash to close my account out! Bank run?? I'm not asking for a million bucks

157 comments block

Yeah we’ve already been that route. Turns out he owes the jewish Mafia as well and went into hiding a couple years ago. NosebergShekelman even changed his name on Voat but he slipped up and Shalomed in a post one day there. They’ve been looking for him for a while so I’m surprised he showed back up honestly. I warned him on here about it and all he did was threaten my credit score. Always fun to watch them eat one of their own. I’ll hand out tickets when it happens. The bounty on his head is only 12 oz. of silver, but I’ll take anything I can get from them.