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Many corrections to make:
1. The retarded Nazi helmet and pink pussy hat are on the far left of the curve.
2. Cuckface meme in the middle would never wear the maga hat, take that hat off him and put him on the far left of the curve with a star wars hat, he can stand next to pink pussy hat skyscreamer.
3. In the middle of the curve, which is now empty, put the midwesterner who simply loves trump and put a pitchfork in his hand. In the 3/4 of the curve put a regular guy who notices Trump was the most peaceful president in his lifetime, who helped bring about energy independance and didn't start a single fucking bullshit war, while mending old problematic relationships and building a giant fucking wall while congress screamed and tried to not help with funding.
4. In the far right of the curve put someone with a Ron Paul shirt who's shaking his head at the US national debt and holding a list of 20 or so critical zionists that need to be erased before the country can heal itself.
5. Standing right next to number 4, put any intelligent man holding up an "America first or fuck off - zero tolerance" sign.
6. Just to add more flavor, put slightly right of middle every white family producing more white babies, regardless of their beliefs, by virtue of being white and continueing to produce more white babies, they're automatically on the better side of IQ, even if they allow themselves to be temporarily tricked in politics in fake news, they're still better than average automatically.

There's your fucking IQ curve