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This site is now officially talk.lol

submitted by system to whatever 2.8 yearsSep 2, 2021 05:06:20 ago (+57/-3)     (whatever)

It was Febuary 2021...

Voat.co had been gone for a couple months, Trump was out of office, and the smoke of burning cities was still in the air. The MAGA dream was dead and all hope was lost. It was the end of a era and it really felt like it. I think back to 2016 and damn.. Couldn't have imagined how it would all turn out.

I started this website as an experiment because I missed voat and there was no where else like it to go. I could never imagine it would all come together and actually work, especially 6 months later. While creating a literal voat clone was useful to spread awareness and rebuild the community, as the site matures it's become a strain overall due to liability concerns and other reasons that I've been dealing with. So talk.lol will become the site's official name and domain. The site's default theme has changed, so no more voat goat. The goat has been replaced with stick figures. Yeah I know, lame, but I have bigger plans eventually. I am sure some will hate these changes so I went out of my way to make this painless. All accounts registered up till this point will receive a 'Gen Xyz Goat' badge. This badge is special because it unlocks 'voat mode', which opens up an option in your account options. This mode enables the classic voat theme, goat and all. You can enable disable and re enable any time.

If you prefer to use the voat.xyz domain you can continue to use it. There are no differences between the domains. Also I imagine searchvoat.co will continue to archive the site, I don't see any reason he wouldn't. I will work on getting getting our own search feature regardless.

This was a tough decision, but one I feel had to be made. I loved voat.co and hated to see it die. But it really is the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. Time to see where the current takes us.

PS. I will still be referring to you all as goats, that is not changing.

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