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Gay Activist US Army Staff Sergeant Fantasizes About Oppressing Right-Wing Americans In Viral Video

submitted by John_B_14 to news 2.8 yearsAug 27, 2021 02:58:40 ago (+18/-0)     (national-justice.com)


Aug 27, 2021

Many have criticized Department of Defense Lloyd Austin's campaign to purge the US military of nationalist or culturally conservative political beliefs.

The reasoning is that army service generally attracts those with more right-leaning beliefs, and attacking them for their beliefs undermines their morale in conflicts abroad. .

But what if the purpose of the ideological crackdown isn't to win wars outside of the United States?

Cindy Bronson, a gay activist social media personality currently serving as a U.S. Army Staff Sergeant, may have the answer.

In a video published two days ago on TikTok, Bronson responded to a civilian's video calling on the military to join armed citizens in opposing the increasingly tyrannical government.

In the clip, Bronson appears in full uniform, and states, "your little good ol' boy system is not going to fair well for you."

Bronson then continued, "understand that if active duty military actually get deployed within the United States, that weapon is not just going to be pointed at other people, other countries, it's pointed at you."

"If you do not get in your house when I tell you to, you become the enemy. Martial law. You know, when your rights get curtailed?"


7 comments block

Jew or Not jew?
that Dyke looks so boyish i'm definitely leaning for the former
their "women" are hideous