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Boston Dynamics Releases Video Of Atlas Humanoid Robot Doing Parkour

submitted by SilentByAssociation to technology 2.8 yearsAug 18, 2021 18:22:57 ago (+10/-0)     (themindunleashed.com)


It looks like they were trying to emulate parts of one of those American Ninja Warrior courses.

3 comments block

try 0 points 2.8 years ago

You want "Terminator" , this is how you get "Terminator".

This version shows robot SAVAGELY FIGHTING BACK against human antagonists! :


WOW! Amazing ending. (its satirical though)


THEY FALSELY CLAIM : These war machine robots are NOT for military purchases!

The Boston Dynamics company in public ALWAYS says they are for taking care of elderly in nursing homes, and their homes

Taking care of elderly in nursing homes!

HA! It's true! Slide show behind the Boston Dynamics VPs and CEO (Marc Raibert) always shows a futuristic compassionate white-toned robot TAKING CARE of a grateful SMILING OLD WHITE GRANNY!

Bwaaaa! ha! hah!

Watch any stockholder-leaning presentations on youtube. Its almost comical how they NEVER mention military purchasers, and talk about how they will all lovingly take care of us when we are old and crippled!

I would pay extra for a robot to take care of me than a bunch of vile nigger-chimps, who kill whites in nursing homes, and worse.... BUT... thse robots are for WAR, not nursing homes, and ALWAYS will be for war predominantly.