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Is the Reddit ban a tactical error by the ruling elite?

submitted by happytoes to MGTOW 2.8 yearsAug 3, 2021 12:52:22 ago (+9/-2)     (MGTOW)

I was surprised to see that Reddit has just banned their MGTOW sub-reddit.

Why was I surprised? Many others have been anticipating this.

My surprise is because I see MGTOW as an unorganised rebellion by the other ranks, not an officers rebellion that might over-throw the ruling elite. Sure, when you are getting fucked over by the system, you shouldn't just take it. You could walk away. You could organise and fight back.

MGTOW is about walking away. If you are trying to organise a fight back, MGTOW is a problem. You cannot dispute the analysis. The problems that MGTOW diagnoses are the problems that you wish to fight back against. But you do dispute the response, because you think that the MGTOW's will not be allowed to walk away. An organised fight back is essential.

And that is the root of my surprise. I thought that the powers that be would suffer the MGTOW subreddit to live indefinitely, to continue to spread passivism among those who might otherwise fight back. Interesting times!

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MGTOW is jewish subversion