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7 comments block

try 0 points 2.9 years ago

8% total monthly drop of live births (estimated at 16% of all females that did not take a placebo mRNA)

In FIRST trimester, not 2nd, not third, but FIRST trimester, spontaneous miscarriages and self-absorbed fetus after positive pregnancy : 800% more tracked.

800% more first trimester miscarriages.

CDC and others now say pregnant and soon to be pregnant Whites should NOT take the "sterility jab".

800% increase of a small number is significant, because normally ALL still births are from GENE DEFECTS, and this increase is NOT from gene defects its from ACE2 receptor target locations on primate placentas.

NOT ONE SINGLE animal study of pregnant animals (macaques, golden hamster, human) has been pre-released. Not one single double-random-blind REGISTERED TRIAL in registered trial database.

REGISTERED TRIALs prevent cherry picking groups such as putting more "first time mothers" deliberately in one pile.

This fake vaccine is meant to drop White fertility for 2 years per victim, in 8 to 14% of victims.
