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Dating is rough right now

submitted by Bottled_Tears to whatever 2.9 yearsJul 17, 2021 13:25:13 ago (+6/-0)     (whatever)

I stick to what I say and don't stick to agendas or nigger like topics. It has put me back even when I know when to not talk about those things or be careful. Especially when in the back of mind, thinking this piece of shit likes antifa and blm.

Doesn't matter though. Women are fucking retarded right now. All my dating life it was easy. Now I don't know how anymore? They are so God damn glued to their phones. I've went on 6 dates. They all were the same. Text a bit. Disappeared or don't show up. This didn't happen before covid. I've had 2 where I realized they wanted free food because of my connections.

Horrible people. I almost lost my shit the other day doing homework and 60 hours of work.

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