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Oy vey, enjoy the warmth goy.

submitted by Splooge to whatever 3.0 yearsJun 18, 2021 22:26:22 ago (+43/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


I hear jews will end up in a much hotter place.

27 comments block

It's not the smart thermostat, it's the contract these people signed with their power companies.

Much like the deal people get into with their car insurance, where the insurance company puts a device on their car's OBD-II port to read the car's speed/control/etc, and the customer gets a deal on their monthly insurance for "safe driving."

These idiot people signed a contract with their power company for this. The power company can turn their compressors off during times of low use (work, vacation, etc) to save money, passing that savings on to the customer, and turn it back up when the customer is home. And now that the power company is exercising their contractual right to do this, the customers are complaining... I don't get it.