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Jewtagged after a single user downvoted my comments

submitted by mikenigger to MeanwhileOnPoal 3.0 yearsJun 11, 2021 08:17:32 ago (+17/-2)     (MeanwhileOnPoal)*

All it takes is a single controversial comment and a retard that downvotes all your replies: https://poal.co/s/History/376532/30d491a1-a232-4130-9169-46d359571aea#cmnts

It happened within minutes after I replied in that thread, every downvote is from Kng_Leopold_II (I can see who downvoted me), thanks to AOU's short attention span and arrogance the tag is permanent.

There are no appeals, he's "always right". The account is stuck with the tag and whatever retroactive punishments he'll come up with in the future:


@system: don't be PMYB2 and NEVER trust a single person to mod your forum, it's a fucking disaster waiting to happen.

41 comments block

mr. i don't give a shit has spoken..

see i was fucking correct

you can't read for shit: they _refuse_ to give a reason, but pmyb2 offered to remove it for $1k, it's not about shilling, they're all kikes