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The Vaccine Passport is Communistic to the core and will the be based out of the Bolshevik passport system.

submitted by didyouknow to CommunismIsJewish 3 yearsMay 25, 2021 17:06:06 ago (+31/-0)     (CommunismIsJewish)*


TITLE: Passport and Residence Controls in the Soviet Union
AUTHOR : Mervyn Matthews
DATE: March 1991


What was the purpose of these internal passports? The first paragraph of the decree tells us;


In other words, the main reason for this passport was of course, being able to track and control the population as well as to flush out any dissenters to the communist regime.
What will the vaccine passport do? It will be able to collect data on the population, specifically on who's been vaccinated and in this context the vaccinated, these will be known as the compliant part of the population. The rest will be documented as the unvaccinated and they will be considered the dissenters, the 'kulaks', 'criminals' and the 'anti-social element' of the population.

Coronavirus: Spain to keep register of those who refuse Covid vaccine;


It's no secret that anyone who refuses to get the vaccine is deemed as 'anti-vaxxer' and this term has been used to demonize anyone who does not want to inject themselves with an experimental injection.

Anti-vaccine extremism is akin to domestic terrorism;


One side of the population having the passport while the others do not will lead to the dividing of the population with the ones holding passport having perks and benefits over those that do not. Because the passport is also connected to restriction of movement, this will also separate the population. In Bolshevik Russia, in order to move from one area to another, you have to have a valid passport which you can present before you are allowed entry. Refusing to get this passport which means refusing to operate under the Bolshevik system means you would not be able to move anywhere while those who apply for it will (if their application is accepted).


How does this apply to the vaccine passport?

Well, vaccine passport are already being sold as the one thing that can lift the restrictions and will allow us to travel to other countries 'freely' again. Some countries will even require vaccine passports for entry such as Canada;

'Canada Will Require Using A Vaccine Passport For Entry';


'Europe approves Covid vaccine passports for holidaymakers: Fully vaccinated American tourists will be welcomed into the EU for the first time since the pandemic began':


'No alternative to vaccine passports, says Dubai airport boss'

''The boss of the world's busiest airport for international passengers has said Covid passports are the only way to restart mass foreign travel.

Dubai Airports chief executive Paul Griffiths told the BBC: "I don't think there is an alternative." But Mr Griffiths says he is a complete supporter of the documents, which he says are "inevitable";


Qantas will only fly vaccinated individuals for international flights;


Also other perks that the 'vaccinated' are getting;

'No masks for the vaccinated': What the latest US mask guidance means;


''Lastly, in several countries, including Georgia, Estonia, Poland, and Seychelles, proof of COVID-19 vaccination allows incoming travelers to avoid certain travel restrictions, such as testing or quarantining. Numerous other countries are considering the use of COVID-19 vaccine passports, either for internal or international movement, including the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Singapore, Greece, Denmark, the EU, and the U.S. Multiple international organizations have already launched efforts to set standards and coordinate the design and implementation of vaccine passports for international travel, including the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, International Chamber of Commerce, and the International Air Travel Association.''

Also, vaccine passport can be used to restrict movements not just internationally but domestically as well which was one of the functions of the Bolshevik passport;
''A COVID-19 vaccine certification for international travel could be used by governments in a number of ways, such as allowing an individual to move across borders more freely by potentially bypassing travel restrictions like testing or quarantine requirements upon arrival. In addition, vaccine passports may be used for domestic purposes, such as to permit individuals access to certain businesses, locations or activities within countries.''


Bolsheviks also required passports in order to be employed. There's been a heavy push for 'no jab, no job'. To fire employees who don't want to take the shot. If vaccine passports becomes a reality then the passport will be used for employees to be able to keep their job or for people to be able to receive employment.

'This is what we do about anti-vaxxers: No job. No entry. No NHS access'


''Coronavirus: 'No jab, no job' policies may be legal for new staff''


'‘No Covid-19 jab, no job’ clause considered for new public sector workers'


Dominic Raab (jew) refuses to rule out 'no jab no job', telling LBC it is "a matter we'd want to leave to employers." ;


The Bolsheviks required to give reasons of their visit when they travelled to another area and of course they'd have to have been accepted to travel for those reasons because they need passports issued to them by the militia which they needed to have with them to their travel destination. Anyone without documentation would not be allowed to stay.


Can this become a reality with the vaccine passports? Yes, we've already seen hints and early conditioning of it.

'Covid: £5,000 fine for people going on holiday abroad'

'A £5,000 fine for anyone in England trying to travel abroad without good reason is due to come into force next week as part of new coronavirus laws.'

'Legally-permitted reasons for foreign travel currently include work, volunteering, education, medical needs, and to attend weddings or funerals.'


Being that the vaccine passport will be digitalized and they will have more room to implement more personal information then just 'vaccination status'. It's very plausible then that in order to travel, you will have to have a vaccine passport and then you'd have to ask for permission from the state to travel and state the reason for your travel and once accepted, you will get a certificate that will be on your vaccine passport which you will have to show when travelling.

The Bolshevik passport was tied to employment as the employers were forced to enter employment details into the passport. Also the passport had an expiration date of 5 years (extended from 3 years) unless you are liable for military service then it is 1 year.


The vaccine passport will most likely also have an expiration date, just like all other passports. Your vaccine passport will expire when it's time for you to get another shot and the only way to get the passport valid is by getting another jab.

The jewish Pfizer CEO has already stated that ''people will “likely” need a third dose of a Covid-19 vaccine within 12 months of getting fully vaccinated''.

''He also said it’s possible people will need to get vaccinated against the coronavirus annually.''


'Why annual COVID-19 boosters may become the norm';


The implementation of the Bolshevik passport system made it possible to make important personal information and photograph of virtually every single living adult available to the NKVD which obviously must have helped them in the purges they carried out. Vaccine passports will be digitalized and every information in there will obviously be shared to all types of agencies which will make purging much easier when and if they decide to carry it out.


Even cattle and horses were brought under a passport regime. Which makes sense considering who the Bolsheviks were and what they call the non-jew. Goyim, which means cattle. To them, a non-jew is equal to a cattle and will be treated the same.


Again the Bolshevik passport purpose is to consolidate control over the population and to force people to live under their system. It made it easier for them to identify any dissenters because to be able to live in the areas they controlled, you have to be able to show your passport otherwise you'd be screwed.

What is the purpose of the vaccine passport other than for that same reason? To control the population, to divide them and to be able to see who the compliant are and who the 'dissenters' are. To enforce unlivable restrictions on the unvaccinated (kulaks) in order to coerce them to get vaccinated thus making them live under their system of control.
The Bolshevik added the requirement of having more personal information listed on the passport. We will see the same with the 'Vaccine passport'. It will start with 'vaccination status' and with time, they will add more and more, to the point where it will include all personal information.


Also the Bolsheviks went door to door to check the validity of the passports and to ensure there were no unauthorized residents I.E those without a passport.


You don't think this will happen? That the slaves of the ZOG, i.e. the police and/or the military will go door to door to see if the residents are 'vaccinated' or not by having them present their vaccination passports? And to see if they are housing the 'unvaccinated'? Eventually they will make having no vaccine passport a criminal act and liable for punishment. That's what they did in Bolshevik Russia and they will do it again. They will drag you to some camp and get rid of you that way.
An example of what happened in Bolshevik Russia when you were caught without a internal passport;


They're already conditioning people to get used to the practice of going from door to door in relation to the vaccination;

''How Do You Persuade New Yorkers to Be Vaccinated? Knock on Their Doors.''


''Health advocates go door-to-door to fight vaccine hesitancy''


''Detroit Using Census-Like Approach With Door-to-Door Visits to Encourage COVID Vaccinations''


''UK begins door-to-door testing of 80,000 people to halt South African variant''


''WOKING, England (Reuters) - Volunteers and police officers in several parts of England began knocking on people’s doors to hand out COVID-19 testing kits on Tuesday to try to halt the spread of a highly infectious variant that originated in South Africa.''
''Scarborough police carry out door-to-door patrols in Covid crackdown''


They're already normalizing the idea of punishing the 'unvaccinated' by preposing to shutting them off from avenues of society. Starts with discrimination as a stepping stone to criminalizing not being vaccinated completely. Remember that the more get vaccinated, the easier it becomes for them to do this and get away with it.

'‘No trips abroad’: Calls to punish the willingly unvaccinated''

''People who refused the chance to receive a coronavirus vaccine should, in time, have to face consequences, the president of the Flemish centrist CD&V party, Joachim Coens, said''. (Coens as in COHEN?)


''It is only a matter of time before we turn on the unvaccinated'' by Nick COHEN (As always)

23 comments block

Just think though: What is the ONE sure means of eliminating the bulk of minorities and the part of the european fold who have a genetic disposition to communism?


Everyone at the highest levels pushing vaccination are ultimately pushing for the elimination of our enemies.

Some of the people you call the devil are simply engaged in high level eugenics.

Be grateful they get their hands dirty for the very survival of humanity.