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How does a battery-operated pole saw get power to the saw?

submitted by paul_neri to technology 3 yearsMay 22, 2021 03:49:34 ago (+2/-1)     (sawsreviewed.com)


I purchased a Victa battery-powered pole saw the other day and put it together (but yet to try it) and last night in bed it hit me that I didn't notice any wires from the battery to the saw so how did the thing work or was something missing which caused me some anxiety and stopped me getting to sleep. I had to go to the hardware store Bunnings (equivalent of Home Depot) to get oil (lubricant) for the thing and asked the guys there and one chap said the current passed due to a worm fitting or something but overall I didn't really understand and I didn't want to pursue it with them because I could tell they thought I was a mask-wearing poofter which was very unkind. I don't want to dismantle the pole just to see if I can figure it out when I have you to tell me.

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