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HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions!

submitted by try to technology 3 yearsMay 20, 2021 03:11:16 ago (+54/-0)     (technology)*

HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions!

VIDEO PROOF of this weeks revelation ! :

Apple spies on you using infrared every 5 seconds, sending face shape to cloud!!!.mp4

(PDF) Apple spies on you using infrared every 5 seconds - apple partly admits it - from Apple!!.pdf

What the fucking hell? How evil and monstrous can apple be now that MOST of their phone hardware income came from china last year?

WHY did apple go totally evil?

Is it only if chat running in background (video proves its on HOME SCREEN), and battery above 80% ?

Goddamned home screen! Evil apple.

May 18 2021 : Apple confesses :

Watch the video!


42 comments block

Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
[F9 algorithm]
Are they recording/safe-housing?
Metadata collection?
Building 8.