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My one and only interaction with a black cop...

submitted by PuttitoutIsGone to whatever 3.1 yearsMay 9, 2021 00:30:13 ago (+12/-0)     (whatever)

Was living in a condo in a medium sized city. Had a neighbor friend that lived with her Mom from time to time when she was in-between boyfriends. We'd fuck.

She was at her Mom's this one time and she got thrown out because her mom was a psycho freak. So, against my better judgement , I let her move in my place for 1 month. That was the agreement. I had 3 bedrooms so space was not an issue. Her kid was a mess though. *-9 years old and couldn't do basic shit.

The kid liked to play in the backyard. It was nice and fenced in. I'd let play with the hose and she loved it. Well, she would never shut off the hose. Would run overnight. I finally had to ban her from using it. Her mom solved this problem by running the hose to her mom's unit which was 30 ft away. All good.

Well Psycho mom comes home one day and finds the hose run over to my place and it was on..of course. They had left hours ago. She goes nuts and calls the cops. I try telling her I have nothing to do with it but she didn't care. Then it gets really good...she grabs some hedge clippers and cuts the hose..water starts shooting all in her face and everywhere. She just keeps cutting at this thing and never for a second thought about turning it off.

By this time the cops at my door. I told him I had no idea what was going on, he needed to talk to her. He does and comes back raging at me. Telling me I was stealing and could be arrested. I said do what you have to do...and he literally looked me up and down and made a "PFFFT" sound...and walked away. It was surreal.

The daughter shows up and I expect her to straighten it all out...nope...the cunt hangs me out. Told the cop and her mom she had no idea about the hose. I threw that bitch out the next day.

Was almost worth it to see that bitch battle that hose.

Anyways..that was the only time I had to deal with a nigger cop.

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