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Pfizer’s Jewish CEO: “Israel Is The ‘World’s Lab'” - Admits that children are already being used as lab rats for experimental injections

submitted by TFS to fakepandemic 3.1 yearsMay 2, 2021 13:43:21 ago (+15/-0)     (www.theyeshivaworld.com)


Pfizer’s Jewish CEO Albert Bourla said that Israel has become “the world’s lab” in an interview on NBC News on Friday.“I believe Israel has become the world’s lab right now because they are using only our vaccine at this state and they have vaccinated a very big part of their population, so we can study both economy and health indices,” Bourla said.Bourla also said that trials on the vaccine’s safety for pregnant women and children are being carried out.“We have already licensed for kids 16 and above… we are already doing trials for kids between 11 years old all the way to 16, and I hope that we will be able to have data in a couple of months. We are also planning to initiate pediatric studies from a younger age, from age 5 all the way to 11. And I believe we should have data about this population by the end of the year.”


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