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Mass vaccination site in Colorado shut down after people experience adverse reactions from Johnson & Johnson vaccine

submitted by TFS to fakepandemic 3.2 yearsApr 11, 2021 12:04:09 ago (+10/-0)     (vaccines.news)


A Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mass vaccination site in Colorado was shut down as multiple people experienced adverse reactions after receiving the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine.

At least 11 people experienced adverse reactions during Centura Health’s “Vaccines for All” event. The people who experienced complications complained of vomiting, nausea and dizziness. Nine of the patients were sent home after being given juice or water. The remaining two individuals were rushed to the hospital for further observation. They were determined to have low blood pressure and released the same day.

2 comments block

Zancon 3 points 3.2 years ago

Single dose J&J that is the only non-mRNA "vaccine" getting attacked publicly for causing nausea and vomiting while the rest of the mRNA vaccines are killing people. Who could have predicted this?
Anyone that takes any of them isn't very bright.