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To any Poal users

submitted by Tallest_Skil to whatever 3.2 yearsMar 24, 2021 13:05:47 ago (+25/-2)     (poal.co)*


1. I do not and have never had any alt accounts. I use this username and only this username. The owners of Poal have zero evidence for their claims. I have repeatedly caught others using alt accounts to mass downvoted myself and other users. Additionally, users on Poal have explicitly created sockpuppet accounts that LOOK like the name of real users, explicitly to libel them and pretend to be them. Voat had this problem, but the owner prevented impersonation accounts and banned them. Poal welcomes this behavior.
2. I do not and have never vote manipulated. Thanks to Poal’s broken voting system, I barely even bother voting at all. The votes don’t commit, and you never know if your action has taken effect. I have caught other users vote manipulating in the past, and can guarantee that my voting was purposely manipulated by others solely to have me banned by association.
3. The owners of Poal refuse to post how they know this information they claim to know. They expect you to take their word for everything they say. Simply because they said it.
4. I have never called for violence. I have only explicitly said that violence will never happen. Ever. At any time. I have proven it using the last 15,000 years of white history as evidence. Violence will never happen =/= a call for violence. The exact opposite of their claim is what I have said.

When the cowards make a new thread about THIS thread, make sure to ask them for proof of their claims. Nothing they said is even remotely accurate.

UPDATE: The admins have admitted that I was banned under false pretenses: https://poal.co/s/SiteBans/329587/b619a160-69c6-401e-ae19-368c38d86a47#cmnts

I am on public record on Poal calling out all of the sockpuppet accounts which existed to impersonate me and telling them to go back to their real names. This is one of the site owners openly confirming that it was a setup.

UPDATE 2: not related to the thread topic, but my replies to some of your comments are being eaten and are invisibly missing. I’ve tried not to blow anyone off. I mean to reply to most comments here, particularly those directed at me. If there’s no reply, I’m sorry. It was erased after I submitted it and I didn’t notice.

121 comments block

Fundie 0 points 3.2 years ago

Who cares about those fudge packers?