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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to news 2.8 yearsJun 23, 2021 03:28:48 ago (+54/-0)     (news)

Doing some research on the WWII internment facilities administered by the 3rd Reich with a specific interest in Treblinka and Sobibor.

Being Canadian I was privileged to have experienced the Ernst Zundle phenomenon back in the mid 80s, the information publication that he and his colleagues disseminated was known as " SAMIZDAT " ( самизда́т ). In a time when the Internet wasn't even a term yet Zundle did do a pretty good job of getting the " truth " out. Everything that Ernst Zundle brought to light got people thinking about what they've been led to believe. What stirred me was when Zundle made reference to the fact that the holocaust was unmentioned in the Encyclopedia Britannia prior to 1972.

I have a 60 volume collection of Funk and Wagnalls encyclopedias that my parents invested in when we were kids, the complete set was purchased in 1966 followed by "year books" up into the 90s. Treblinka is nowhere to be found in the encyclopedia, neither is the "holocaust" and neither are the terms " concentration camps or gas chambers ", it's as if Treblinka never existed.

I put this in the NEWS sub because for some reason the other subs "don't exist" after I click on "submit"

29 comments block

You might find this interesting. This is "The Leuchter Report", which is what the Canadian guy used to prove his innocence in a Canadian court of law that the holohoax was a lie in relation to the gas chambers:

Be forewarned, it is a pdf report:
