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18 comments block

try 4 points 2.8 years ago

That chart proves it. The mRNA vaccines are a fiasco, and spread real COVI-19, and weaken ability to defend against COVID-19 (sars 2).

Essentially the same this week suddenly where all big untested-fake-vaxx high per-capita injections. Australia, Boston metro area, Los Angeles County, etc

MORE people get positive COVID-19 results when hospitalized in those areas I mentioned and almost NONE hospitalized had no shots. The shots caused the sicknesses (though not a lot of people, overall)

In Australia ALL the ICU were jabbed prior, and majority of DEAD had jabs earlier.

Same for Boston , almost same for L.A.

And now CDC will not pay for PCR test, and will not accept PCR test results after October 2021. CDC says current PCR says POSITIVE if only sampling Flu A or Flu B ! Its on the CDC site!