The training manual for gangstalking!     (www.targetedjustice.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 2.3 years ago (+5/-0)
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This is what Putin is referring too when he called the Ukrainian government nazis!

When he said they used Maidan (nazi) methods and technology on civilians in Kazakhstan!!

This is being done to all NATO civilians by NATO. This is why the Ukraine can't join NATO now and why Putin is baiting NATO for a confrontation.

Because he has the gangstalking files on everyone and can destroy NATO by giving the files to the victims.

That's why NATO hasn't responded to the Ukrainian conflict. They are trapped and don't have many options left.

When this shit gets out the gangstalkers, cops, judges, doctors, psychiatrists, journalists and politicians that took part in this will be fucked. They will have the options of being tried for genocide, torture, treason and crimes against humanity or suicide, which many will take.

That's why the cabal are freaking out about Putin and have dumped their covid scam. The Canadian counterinsurgency Manual section four describes a psyop viral pandemic being used as a part of this program to isolate, torture and kill political dissidents.

That's why the masks are gone now.

Estimates put the number of victims at around 35 million pre covid. But now everyone has been subjected to this psychological torture.

Would any of you be surprised to find out that you have been targeted for years?

That all the bad luck you had was an orchestrated attack by your own government and law enforcement?

That your life was destroyed because you knew the government was corrupt and evil?!