Dirt File: Bill De Blasio Who Was New York City Mayor From 2014 to 2021, Allegedly Authorized the City to Pay Tens of Millions of Dollars Above the Appraised Value for Properties Linked to Campaign Donors .. he consistently refused to release any records justifying the excessive prices paid ..     (www.chicagotribune.com)
submitted by TankTinker to USPolitics 9 months ago (+16/-2)

City officials first estimated the total value of the buildings at about $50 million, a private appraiser later hired by the city determined the value was $143 million. The city has kept the appraisal secret; no other appraisal was commissioned.

Are you willing to hold Donald Trump to the same standard, Michael Cohen said it was standard practice for the Trump Organization to low-ball properties to defraud City, County and State of real estate taxes, and to overestimate values as collateral to defraud banks in loan schemes. Link.

Mamba@Reddit says,"funny they didn't go after Bloomberg, Giuliani or Koch for far worse."
Drag queen storytime is not a threat to our way of life. It’s a joyful, loving balm.     (www.chicagotribune.com)
submitted by Sleazy to ClownWorld 1.7 years ago (+3/-0)
Cook County judge orders Donald Trump removed from Illinois primary ballot for his role in Jan. 6 riot at US Capitol      (www.chicagotribune.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to news 3 months ago (+3/-0)
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Price tag rises to nearly $700 million for Obama library.     (www.chicagotribune.com)
submitted by DirectPressure to news 3.0 years ago (+2/-0)
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Damn Dial...     (www.chicagotribune.com)
submitted by PuttitoutIsGone to whatever 2.7 years ago (+2/-0)
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