"Dark Winter" is Actually a Die Off Plan to Exterminate Humanity - The vectors of attack include mass vaccination genocide, engineered food supply collapse leading to mass starvation and financial sector disruptions accelerating the collapse of gasoline & natural gas supply lines     (survivalblog.science.blog)
submitted by TankTinker to whatever 2.7 years ago (+30/-0)
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"The collapse bleeds into shipping and delivery companies (like Fedex) who are just about on the brink of suspending major services due to a lack of competent workers, while container ships are stacked up outside the Los Angeles port, as criminal governors like Newsom deliberately worsen the supply line restrictions by enforcing senseless Covid lockdowns that deprive the ports of desperately needed workers.

The traitors in charge are squeezing off all the chokepoints of infrastructure that keep human beings alive, if they succeed, they will quickly plunge America (and other nations) into third world conditions of mass famine, destitution, homelessness, violence and despair .. this is all by design and it’s accelerating by the day, at the commercial level the food supply has already collapsed by nearly 50%." SurvivalBlog.