I'm seriously curious how many of you are women      (strawpoll.com)
submitted by AloisH to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago (+8/-3)
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Most people here now know that we are experiencing narcissistic abuse and not a pandemic! The normies are learning this too!!!     (strawpoll.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TellUpgoat 2.8 years ago (+5/-0)
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This poll shows the results for "who knows what gaslighting is?"


Only 13.6% didn't know what it was!

This poll shows how people saw the covid coverage in the media and social media.


Almost 90% realized it was narcissistic abuse and gaslighting rather than honest reporting.

This is also reflected in the internet search volumes for these topics. Especially in English speaking countries but most of all in Australia where this is mainstream knowledge now after a few reality shows had men gaslighting their girlfriends and wives. Making the Aussies the most awake population on earth.


Here is Canada where the most popular news anchors trail far behind!


And here is the USA searches versus Don Lemon who just doesn't get the same volumes.


As you can all see the numbers of people that understand this is psychological manipulation are far greater than those interested in the propagandists. We are way past the tipping point. The cabal has lost control of public perception.

The covid narrative is collapsing just as they are trying to force the vaxx on everyone. An epic fail. So whatever comes next will be soon and outrageous.

But since they are all exposed they will be facing far more internal fighting and pushback and potentially even whistleblowers on a scale never see before. It's save your ass time for the masons. They will be sacrificed or will turn on their masters.

This whole nwo plan is falling apart at the seams now. Far too many can see this pathological game for what it is now. It's over.
Research poll: Do you know what the term "gaslighting" means?     (strawpoll.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to GreatAwakening 2.8 years ago (+3/-1)
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Poll: How would you characterize the covid coverage by the msm and social media?     (strawpoll.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covid1984 2.8 years ago (+1/-1)
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