Pfizer Is A Solid High-Yielding Idea     (seekingalpha.com)
submitted by ymihere to whatever 1.8 years ago (+1/-0)
1 comments last comment...
Credit Suisse And UBS: Implications Of A Shotgun Wedding     (seekingalpha.com)
submitted by mxcviel to EconomicCollapse 1.2 years ago (+1/-0)

Shares of Credit Suisse plunged 60.5% in early trading Monday after the announcement that banking giant UBS would buy its troubled rival for almost $3.25 billion in a deal orchestrated by regulators to stave off further market-shaking turmoil in the global banking system.

UBS shares also were down 8% on the Swiss stock exchange.

also, this guy seriously may not know a shit, but since he was talking about what he thinks will be, ~~maybe it is good to listen~~
EDIT, I found who this is, well check that NOSE, this is his YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@clifhigh6858
So, well, if you listen mp3, make sure to remember that's what they want you to believe to be, not what will be reality.