NatSoc Ausbro arrested by counter terror cops for "importing 'legally obtained items'"     (outline.com)
submitted by Splooge to news 2.7 years ago (+27/-0)
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Article reproduced below:

A central NSW man with the Nazi flag and a map of the state on his bedroom wall has been arrested by counter-terrorism police over a plan to make a 3D gun.

The 26-year-old will face a Dubbo magistrate on Monday charged with breaching the firearms act, following his arrest in Orange on Friday.

His home was searched by counter-terrorism police after a brief investigation into the importation of firearm components by an alleged supporter of ideologically motivated violent extremism.

A search of his phone allegedly uncovered a digital blueprint to manufacture a firearm - an offence carrying a maximum of 14 years in prison.

The investigation began less than two weeks ago, when customs officers found a firearm component inside a package addressed to the Orange man.

The man has allegedly been importing "legally obtained items" since mid-2020 with the view to manufacturing firearms, police said on Monday.

"The Joint Counter Terrorism Team acted early to prevent him manufacturing a firearm, even though he allegedly made significant preparations to be able to do so," Australian Federal Police's counter-terrorism commander, Stephen Dametto, said in a statement.

The JCCT combines officers from the AFP and NSW police with investigators in spy agency ASIO and the NSW Crime Commission.

"The potential for 3D printers to print firearms, or their components, is something police are constantly monitoring, and we will take action if we have evidence a person intends to manufacture a firearm," Commander Dametto said.

Images released by police show a bedroom with a Nazi flag hanging on a wall alongside a map of NSW, a guitar case and an overflowing washing basket.

NSW Police said homemade firearms were often crudely manufactured or assembled.

"These types of firearms add another layer of risk in terms of the safety of the community as they are unstable, and many are unable to maintain integrity once fired," Detective Superintendent Mick Sheehy, from the NSW Police counter-terrorism command, said in a statement.

"We will not hesitate to take action if we believe there is a possibility that a firearm could land in the wrong hands."
'Smell my hair': Hundreds of protesters greet Biden in Idaho     (outline.com)
submitted by Splooge to whatever 2.8 years ago (+26/-0)
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Hundreds of demonstrators gathered to protest President Joe Biden’s visit to Boise, Idaho, on Monday.

The president, who is visiting Boise as part of his two-day tour of western states, including California and Colorado, spoke to state officials about his plans to help combat wildfires and promote his economic agenda.

The crowds that had been gathering since 8 a.m. were decked in pro-Trump regalia and carrying signs protesting everything from Biden’s recent vaccine mandates to the 2020 election.

Biden lost Idaho by more than 30 percentage points in the 2020 election.

Chants of “traitor,” “smell my hair,” and “Joe Biden sucks” greeted the president when he arrived in the afternoon.

A woman holding a sign calling forced vaccines “medical rape” told the Associated Press that she was protesting because she doesn’t think “anybody should be forced to put something in their body.” Another woman said she was there to “support Trump and stand for freedom.”

"If there's not 5,000 people here, I'll be disappointed in Idaho," Idaho resident Dan McKnight told local news station KTVB. "We have a lot to say about the way he ended the war in Afghanistan, about his vaccine mandates that he's forcing on employers. We have a lot to say about the way he's done things, about his complete abandonment of border security, undoing everything Trump for the sake of undoing Trump.”

Police were on the scene, but the crowd remained peaceful.

Biden only spent a few hours in the state before leaving for California.

Mother of tranny faggot rapist tells victim "You're 15. You can reasonably defend yourself."     (outline.com)
submitted by Splooge to news 2.6 years ago (+20/-0)
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The mother of the skirt-wearing boy, who was convicted of raping a ninth-grade girl in a Loudoun County school restroom, said Monday that the victim was to blame for being assaulted because she did not make stronger attempts to defend herself.

The boy's mother said in an interview that her son, who last week was found guilty on two counts of rape, was not transgender despite reports alleging that he was. She said he just likes to wear skirts sometimes.

But she also defended her son's actions pertaining to the sexual assault, falsely alleging that, at the time of the May 28 assault, he "wanted to have sex in the bathroom, with somebody that was willing."

The mother then proceeded to blame the victim for not doing more to fight off her rapist.

"If I was in a position where I was about to be raped, I would be screaming, kicking, everything," she told the Daily Mail. "You're 15. You can reasonably defend yourself. You're not just going to sit there and take it. And so, because there wasn't a presence of a fight, he felt it was okay to keep going."
A fascinating analysis of Hamas     (outline.com)
submitted by Splooge to whatever 2.8 years ago (+18/-1)
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Despite being an openly militant organization, Hamas did not start off by just lugging around guns and getting in shoot outs. Quite the opposite. While still keeping their militant and revolutionary beliefs such as being expressly anti-Jewish and open about the fact that Israel needs to be destroyed and Palestine be liberated under their rule. The way they started this was quite brilliant. Instead of building up an armed force ready to fight Jewish Occupation first, they instead focused on building up a powerbase among segments of the Palestinian population and gaining support from that base to then build up a militant armed force to be reckoned with and waited for the opportune moment to strike.
They built up their powerbase mostly in the Gaza Strip, the poorer section of Palestine. They did this by starting up food banks, giving out free literacy classes to teach people how to read and write, did political education and more. They built themselves into the communities they wanted support from and in a revolutionary way. Instead of begging for the masses to join them through useless marches or toting around guns and threatening people. Instead they began to build the society they wanted to achieve. Leading by example. You can criticize and shit-talk the Israelis for not providing social services and ignoring the needs of the Palestinians all day long, however if you have nothing to offer yourself then why should anyone take you seriously?
Right now in Rural White America in areas like Appalachia and the Rust Belt and more there is poverty and hunger. People there rely on EBT cards and food banks just to stay afloat. Job prospects are shrinking and all and all these communities are in desperate need of help. This system however has no interest in helping. They’d rather help out niggers and migrants from the third world instead since if we’re all being honest here the elites of this system would rather see Rural White America die out more than anything. As a result from my own experience and observations. Many of the people in these communities resent the fuck out of the system. They hate it and want it overthrown. They’re worried over degeneracy, worried over non-whites moving into their communities and more.
Making men feel manly in masks is, unfortunately, a public-health challenge of our time     (outline.com)
submitted by mememeyou to funny 3.3 years ago (+6/-1)
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"The maddening aspect of #RealMenWearMasks isn’t the message but what’s behind it: We’ve reached the point of this polarized pandemic where our current plan for salvation is convincing certain recalcitrant men that wearing masks is the testosteroney thing to do.

Do you have an unmasked man in your life? You could,the article suggests, make sure he had some “tough” looking masks, perhaps with “camouflage” or “shark teeth.” Or, you could pull him in with a little “benevolent sexism,” i.e. encouraging him to think of mask-wearing as a “paternalistic” and “chivalrous” act — a way for the mask-wearer to think, “I’m being a hero.”"

But the messaging behind all of this is crap. It presents mask-wearing as something cool that men can individually do in order to be rugged heroes, deserving of accolades for their brave, manly choices."
Kek Goes Out To Eat     (outline.com)
submitted by Clubberlang to funny 2.4 years ago (+6/-1)
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Prosecutors to begin case against Jussie Smollett in Chicago     (outline.com)
submitted by Splooge to news 2.5 years ago (+3/-0)
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Wonder how this is gonna turn out.

Also, reminder that (((Jussie Smollett))) isn't just a niggerfaggot, it's also half kike.

Imagine being genetically compelled to be subversive, but with only the IQ of a nigger to pull it off. What an existence.
Apparently Covid Causes PTSD Now.     (outline.com)
submitted by Clubberlang to whatever 2.4 years ago (+2/-1)
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And especially in asians. Sources claim its because their eyes usually look shut even when they aren't and they bump into stuff.
The Experts Weight In On Booster Shots     (outline.com)
submitted by Clubberlang to whatever 2.4 years ago (+1/-0)