A sucker who devoted his life and money to a Thot learns she is married. Lol     (kiwifarms.net)
submitted by Crackinjokes to funny 1.9 years ago (+52/-0)
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Jared "Not Gay Jared" Monroe is being sued and legally brutalized by Stephen "my gay phase was short-lived" Crowder.      (kiwifarms.net)
submitted by Sector2 to whatever 2 months ago (+8/-1)
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Jared "Not Gay Jared" Monroe uploaded This Video to Twitter on March 26th. He alleges the Steven Crowder's show and company is essentially a frat house filled with misconduct and was forced to sign a NDA when he quit. He is now speaking out and attempting to raise money for a Legal Fund ($76,000 of $100,000 as of this post) to possibly sue Crowder to remove his NDA, and to support his defense from Crowder's legal attacks.

This morning Gerald hosted a show laying out their side of the story. They are alleging that Jared's video is a further attempt to sabotage Crowder's public image to give his ex-wife and advantage in the ongoing divorce proceedings. It was also stated that Crowder filed a lawsuit against Jared this morning, but we have yet to see it. Crowder is currently in mediation with his ex-wife and is why he wasn't on the show. Below are their receipts to back up their theory from This Twitter Thread.

Video he uploaded yesterday: https://twitter.com/TheJaredMonroe/status/1772594355620270141

See the kiwifarms link for the effort post, and more on the homo degeneracy from Crowder.
This Just In Off The AP Wire: -=Nick Fuentes=- Is STILL a MASSIVE FAGGOT.     (kiwifarms.net)
submitted by SkullFuckerSupreme to whatever 1.3 years ago (+3/-2)
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This just in off the AP wire... NICK FUENTES IS A MASSIVE FAGGOT     (kiwifarms.net)
submitted by BoomerChristCuckFinalForm to whatever 1.4 years ago (+1/-5)
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