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Community for : 1.7 years

Here we post examples of white people, unwittingly or wittingly, taking something that was said by a brown "person" and acting like it's inspirational and if a white person said the same thing they couldn't care less.

We expose the white guilt that whites are still to this day touting as virtuous. This false notion that they are cleverly going unnoticed with these "virtue" signals is to be exposed and ridiculed, even if we have to draw blood from these people. It is not virtuous to express love for brown "people", and no it is not in the Bible.


To all who are inspired by things brown "people" say simply because they are brown: fuck you. Please kill yourself or make yourself available for bodily harm.

Link to old sub with typo in name

Whites Only.

No stupidity or "trolling" or you will be banned

Owner: HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers


Talk poisons its own conversation by attacking its least cucked members with accusations of Jewry. Over to @I_am_baal with the cuck gospel     (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhitesInspiredBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 1.7 years ago (+0/-10)
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We are to listen to this faggot with a Jew god in his name calling us Jews?

Yet another example of how cuckservatives poison their own movements, all to defend a disgusting nigger.

You're not on our team and will be treated as such.
@Irelandlost begs you to follow a nigger because it said something that agreed with you     (
submitted by osomperne to WhitesInspiredBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 1.7 years ago (+1/-7)
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Cringey behavior that only America could generate
@Crackinjokes is really pushing for you to follow a nigger as your leader.      (
submitted by osomperne to WhitesInspiredBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 1.7 years ago (+0/-6)
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Jerk the wheel off a bridge nigger lover
@Conspirologist really wants you all to worship a nigger     (
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See his historical posts for how hard he's trying to push this libtard ideology

See sub description for old sub
@blumen4alles posts more pro-nigger shit and you have to like it because it's compared with Hitler      (
@Conspirologist makes another post proving hours cuck status as nigger lover     (
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Every time you fake conservatives post a video about your new favorite nigger the video starts off with all swearing and aggressive talk I definitely don't want to hear.      (WhitesInspiredBecauseSomeoneIsBrown)
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What is wrong with you that you are not only listening to that trash but spreading it around?