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Owner: oppressed


nick fuentes gets it done, appearing on another normie friendly podcast     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteSympatheticMedia 10 months ago (+2/-3)
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it was a fun appearance but a jew kept attacking him. watch the rerun.
New White Nationalist podcasts worth listening to today (1-22-23)     (WhiteSympatheticMedia)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteSympatheticMedia 1.4 years ago (+4/-2)
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Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda S06E002 – Welcome to the Party, Pal!

Christopher says he wants to take a milder approach so he can reach normies and win, not always talk brazenly about jews. He discusses Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals and how it can apply to the pro-White movement.

Political Cesspool Radio Show Hour 2 – 2023/01/21

Retired police officer Jim Lancia returns to discuss the reality of policing in diverse America. He authored the book, Downtown White Police, which details his career on the force in Bridgeport, Connecticut.


EMJ Live ep8: Crowder vs. Shapiro

jewaholic catholic discusses jews
Idea: comedy skit called The Niggers original content     (WhiteSympatheticMedia)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteSympatheticMedia 1.4 years ago (+1/-0)
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Why dont you and your friends get together and act out a comedy skit about a family called the Niggers. in the skit, you paint your skin black and act like nogs, and it plays like a nog comic meme. this is the type of media content that could be useful.
Christopher Cantwell's "Radical Agenda" podcast is back, new     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteSympatheticMedia 1.4 years ago (+2/-0)
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