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Community for : 1.7 years

Post examples of white men fetishizing brown women as an alternative to white guilt "I can't be wayciss if if I'm thinking about sex with them!" "I fucked a shitskin, so I'm off the hook right? Look at all the photos I spammed on my Facebook! Oh God please!"

Post examples of conspicuous "nonsexual" obsessions with brown women that are indicative of their attraction to brown women (this AOC woman is a perfect example, as her marketing team spammed sexualized photos that ignored her monkey nose and white mens' peepees across the nation began to tingle and list began to race).

Post examples of liberals excusing themselves for obsessing over brown women because they identify as libertarian, classical liberal or conservative (aka cuckservative).

Post any creative example you can think of that showcases these people deserving of contempt.

Owner: osomperne


the constant minuscule bits of "news" about this AOC woman.      (
submitted by osomperne to WhitePeepeesTingleForTheBrownWoman 1.7 years ago (+1/-6)
1 comments last comment...

This woman probably has no effect on every single person on this website. Isn't she from NYC? So yeah, no one here should give a fuck.
White peepees tingle for the brown woman on Talk... again.     (

b - -but i s said i hate her!!!

shut the fuck up you degenerate.