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Community for : 3.1 years

Owner: MrGoat


Oy vey this camp is awful!     (Voatschwitz)
submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to Voatschwitz 3.1 years ago (+7/-0)
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No bagels no matzaballs, heck, they don't even let you shower with little boys here! Oy vey these camps are no good, I need to tell Abraham we gotta come up with a plan. And the nerve of those Nazis telling us that "work is good" oy vey! I hope those dumb American golem come rescue us already!
Are you suggesting Arbeit Macht Frei?     (Voatschwitz)
submitted by cyclops1771 to Voatschwitz 3.1 years ago (+8/-0)
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Or flat out saying it?