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Community for : 2.3 years

This is the life raft

Owner: OftenWrong


Movie night     (TheRaft)
submitted by OftenWrong to TheRaft 2.2 years ago (+0/-0)
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After we finish utopia what should we watch next? (vote primacy)
How to write     (TheRaft)
submitted by tommo to TheRaft 2.3 years ago (+6/-1)
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As a writer, it is important to realize that our main characters (at least the ones we're satisfied with) come from projections of these parts of our own psyche. The hero(ine) comes from our Personae, the villain from our Shadows, the hero/heroine's love interest from our Animi, and the guide that sends our protagonist on his or her way (i.e. Obe Wan Kenobe, Merlin, etc.) from our deeper Selves. One must also remember that our characters all have their own archetypes rising from their own childhood experiences and should behave accordingly. The villain should embody all the characteristics that the hero detests... but secretly needs! The love interest should embody a long lost parental figure in some way and give the protagonist the nurture and support necessary to face their adversary. And any guides (if present) should embody what the hero(ine) could be if only (s)he can complete his/her quest.
goats of voat. I can't find the refugee meme that used to go on old voat     (TheRaft)
submitted by OftenWrong to TheRaft 2.3 years ago (+2/-0)
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It was a meme of people coming and setting up a new community then some staying after the soft ones abandoned the community for a different place to host that community with less nazis and racists( oy vey) but some stayed on voat
tommo was here     (TheRaft)
submitted by tommo to TheRaft 2.3 years ago (+3/-3)
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