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Community for : 3.1 years

Welcome to /v/Strange_Coincidences, a sub to point out (((strange coincidences))). There are just too many of them!

Rule #1:

This is not a hate sub. When you find a (((strange coincidence))), just point it out. Don't editorialize in your post title, don't add commentary in your title, just say what it is and leave it at that. This sub is not here to push any agenda or ideology. The idea of this sub is simply to clue the reader in on to something strange that's going on behind the scenes of worldly affairs--especially the hard push of cultural marxism by the establishment. Remember, we can't prove anything. Correlation does not equal causation. This phenomenon is all just a (((strange coincidence)))!


"This 'X'"
"That 'Y'"
"The 'Z'"
"A blah blah blah"

Rule #2, Fact Checking:

The Mod encourages discussion and fact checking. The objective of this sub is to contain factual information. Blatantly false coincidences will be removed. If a post contains falsifiable information, bring it to our attention so we can analyze it, come to a consensus, and remove it if necessary.

Rule #3, Memes:

No joke memes. No purely hateful/bigoted memes. Memes pointing out strange coincidences in matter of fact ways are fine. Memes that use humor to convey the detection of a strange coincidence are OK as long as they prove their point without being overtly ideological or overly mean-spirited. Stay within the spirit of the sub.

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Owner: Strange_Coincidences


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submitted by Strange_Coincidences to Strange_Coincidences 3.1 years ago (+4/-0)