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Community for : 2.5 years

This will be a general collection of posts, information and questions and show-n-tells, and equipment review and build guides and even mental exercises of what one should do in a certain situation that may present itself.

Owner: Qwertytoal


If shit hits the fan, suicide vs random death.     (Shtf)
submitted by Dindu to Shtf 1 month ago (+1/-2)
15 comments last comment...
I feel like suicide breaks a rule, as if you are watching a movie but decide to jump through the screen and be the director

I'd rather an animal kill me than a person. I respect animals. I don't respect people and can't bear the insult of being killed by one.

If I go instantly I don't care when to be honest lol. But in a survival, scrappy situation, when exactly do you kill yourself? What if everything gets better right after you do like the end of The Mist?

But if anyone can surprise me at any time and leave me with my guts hanging out for hours? Maybe my imagination is running away here but I might neck it real early on in the battle. And it's against my rule.

So how bad do you want to see the end of your movie if shit hits the fan and your situation is not ideal for surviving. I mean my place has a sliding glass door I'm a sitting duck wouldn't even sleep