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Community for : 2.2 years

Originally created to list any suspected alts of ALS (Antiliberalsociety), this sub now encompasses users who seem to be members of the "pedophiles are everywhere" cult. These users go around accusing other users of being pedophiles and complaining that the site administrator protects them.

Please format your post as follows:

Use link posts and link to the account page, discuss posts are OK too (if you don't have sufficient points for a link post) just put the link for the username in the body.

For your title use the user's username. You can get creative and have more title than just the username just please make sure the username is the first word to help us keep track better and avoid duplicates. Please do not ping the suspected alt (with the @username format), use "username" or "u/username".

Off-topic posts may be deleted or moved.

Owner: TardWhisperer


Dial_Imitator     (
submitted by TardWhisperer to ReportALS 2.2 years ago (+4/-4)
12 comments last comment...

Another user who sees pedos everywhere, has their downvotes maxxed out, has made no posts, and only seems to be here to harass other users.
ShitAlt     (
submitted by TardWhisperer to ReportALS 2.2 years ago (+2/-4)
1 comments last comment...

Another user who sees pedos everywhere, has their downvotes maxxed out, has made no posts, and only seems to be here to harass other users.
Jesus     (
submitted by TardWhisperer to ReportALS 2.2 years ago (+1/-4)
3 comments last comment...

Another user who sees pedos everywhere, has their downvotes maxxed out, has made no posts, and only seems to be here to harass other users.

I'm not saying these accounts are ALS for sure, but there are several that fit his pattern of harassment.

They contribute nothing to this site except for tearing others down.
ChuckysBack     (
submitted by TardWhisperer to ReportALS 2.2 years ago (+3/-4)
20 comments last comment...

This one seems to only harass blumen4alles and users they suspect to be him. Probably ALS too.
TwiceBanned     (
submitted by TardWhisperer to ReportALS 2.2 years ago (+3/-4)
32 comments last comment...