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Community for : 2.5 years



Alexa, buy three toilets.     (RedditIsShit)
submitted by gabara to RedditIsShit 11 months ago (+0/-1)
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How non-Whites and anti-racists portray race relations     (
submitted by oppressed to RedditIsShit 1.3 years ago (+37/-0)
29 comments last comment...
I Love how the left has dropped any perceived semblance of discussion      (RedditIsShit)
submitted by EthanParsec to RedditIsShit 2 years ago (+13/-2)
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even the slightest tip of the scale for political directive and control and it'll be off to this fictional battelground where faggots becomeeee---(more or the less the same faggots with gunshot wounds all over there lifeless bodies)

They somehow think that if they aren't in any place to order people around with how they see stuff as equitable to being lawful no matter how illegal it is in our constitution well than they'll just burn the system down with NWO support for there little commie rebellion and make a new country free of all those pesky checks and balances our founding fathers made (and besides they where all icky racists anyways unlike marx or che or anyone of those other people and especially not homophobic)
it's just all just a conspiracy anon      (RedditIsShit)
submitted by EthanParsec to RedditIsShit 2 years ago (+0/-2)
Why would any provider try to stop you from Pirating when they've already halting people from using Pirate bay and menagerie of other such things

Yes , it's all just the VPNs fault..

You just need to buy an overpriced one , just like with every other service now these days it isn't worth your time unless your paying for it and giving them all your credit card information and being another consoomer
Her boyfriend digs a tunnel     (
submitted by Monica to RedditIsShit 2 years ago (+23/-4)
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Reddit is le gay     (
submitted by jewsbadnews to RedditIsShit 2.4 years ago (+29/-1)
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Whores of reddit "terrified" about the thought of Roe vs Wade being overturned     (
submitted by hilite to RedditIsShit 2.5 years ago (+14/-1)
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The thought of personal responsibility, not being a whore and not killing unborn babies is so terrifying.

Supposedly the vax is supposed to kill these people? How much longer do we have to wait?
Mother of reddit wants her abortion paid for     (
submitted by hilite to RedditIsShit 2.5 years ago (+5/-0)
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