I heard AOU digs Thai ladyboys.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ShitsInHoneypots to Poal 2.4 years ago (+5/-1)
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For the Poalr Bears - a place to gather while Poal is shutting down.     (bearworldmag.com)
submitted by Thought_Criminal to Poal 2.4 years ago (+6/-1)
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Poal No More?      (Poal)
submitted by beece to Poal 2.4 years ago (+14/-0)
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Suppose to have until tomorrow to transfer data. Looks like it's over. Anti-antisemitism got them shut down.

Everyone who just came here from Poal has just been doxed:     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ShitsInHoneypots to Poal 2.4 years ago (+3/-2)
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"Let's get along."

"Let's be nice to each other!"

"Let's hold hands and make a buttsex train while singing Kumbaya and snorting rainbows!"

Fucking faggots, every last one of 'em. These people aren't who they say they are. Be on guard.
What do you think is @AOU's Grindr name?     (Poal)
submitted by FinsterBaby to Poal 2.5 years ago (+5/-2)
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Is "Sissy faggot crypto jew" too obvious?
That filthy kike glownigger jew @AOU just kicked me out of POAL for making a joke.     (Poal)
submitted by FinsterBaby to Poal 2.6 years ago (+14/-1)
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Did I mention that his is a jew in real life?
Why AOU is so bitter     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by SaneGoatiSwear to Poal 2.9 years ago (+28/-2)
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Candid moment shared by AOU and PMYB2 captured in this lovely poolside portrait     (pic8.co)
submitted by Darth_Nougat to Poal 3.2 years ago (+17/-1)
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Tallest_Skil gets the boot from pole smokers     (poal.co)
submitted by bobdole9 to Poal 3.2 years ago (+11/-2)
21 comments last comment...
Maybe you were right     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by sculptor_and_statue to Poal 3.2 years ago (+6/-0)
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I thought you people were too hard on Poal. Not anymore. I've posted twice in the past 8 hours or so, and now they think I'm a bot. What incredible faggots.
What's this bullshit with not being able to know who's following you on Poal?     (Poal)
submitted by HughBriss to Poal 3.2 years ago (+5/-0)
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Apparently, users can follow other users, and the number of followers you have will show up in your account stats, but you can't see who they are. When you ask the mods why you can't know who they are, they give you a bunch of double talk about "protecting against trolls". It's fucking creepy and it feels like stalking. Fuck that place and fuck those mods. It's just a reminder, and a none too subtle one, that it's a honeypot and controlled opposition.
Poal just went down     (Poal)
submitted by ChefDong to Poal 3.3 years ago (+3/-1)
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That's all I know.
Welcome New and Former Goats     (Poal)
submitted by ChefDong to Poal 3.3 years ago (+1/-1)
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Now that you're here, come to Chef Dong's and enjoy Chef Dong's Chicken