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Community for : 3.2 years

Owner: MrGoat


Posted on Gab today by Andrew Tornado "90% of the people in the West are utterly terrified of being called “racist” or “anti-semitic” for stating obvious truths that are right in front of their lying eyes. It’s the great “sin” of our age. Until that changes, nothing else will. Simple as."     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to Oligopoly 1.6 years ago (+7/-3)
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Pelosi rejects stock-trading ban for members of Congress     (
submitted by Typhoon8 to Oligopoly 2.5 years ago (+23/-0)
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Huh?     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to Oligopoly 3.2 years ago (+3/-2)
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US arrests suspect who wanted to blow up AWS data center     (
submitted by v0atmage to Oligopoly 3.1 years ago (+0/-1)
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Rotten Apple: Never Underestimate the Power of Boycott. The Last Platform I Boycotted No Longer Exists.     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to Oligopoly 3.2 years ago (+1/-0)
13 comments last comment...

Christian Music Releases <REDACTED>
Mar 25, 2021, 7:56 PM (7 hours ago)

Alright, because of the following reasons, I will be cancelling all my Apple products permanently, and discontinuing their use on my websites:

Forced conversion (and no reversion possible) to two-factor authentication in order to access developer program which is no longer free, and doesn't allow local full catalog access anyways.

No Linux support for Itunes, which is required in order to share Apple Music playlists.

Format lock-in through DRM and other control measures.

Lowest quality streaming audio compared to other major competitors.

Digital discrimination against conservatives and Christians for those who wish to use the platform as a voice.

Arbitrary library limit (100,000 songs shared among all playlists - I offer historical and comprehensive access so your platform is the most limiting among all your major competitors) and poor API access for normal users, which limits the amount of music offered on my playlists.

Lack of open source.

Corporate structure based in China, which is a known perpetrator of human rights violations and warmonger, also responsible for the coronavirus.

OS lock-in in order to use all functionality of Apple Music.

Apple has a notorious history of overcharging customers for pointless reasons on necessary items that are normally free.

Anti-competitive software.

Affiliation with woke, anti-conservative, anti-Western and anti-Christian groups.

One i missed:

* Anti-consumer features, such as spying on customer data without their consent, and the digital lockout of data.

I could think of more reasons, but these are the primary ones, and are more than enough reason to not only stop using all your products, but also boycott Apple publicly and visibly on every social media avenue I currently facilitate. I do not do this lightly, and have been a long-term user of Apple and will be sorry to have to part ways, but I cannot morally continue using Apple as long as you pit yourselves against your customers and greater civilization. Thank you for your business, and in the future if you wish to keep customers, serve them in priority over yourselves.
Why AMAZON is the most DANGEROUS corporation on the planet     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to Oligopoly 3.2 years ago (+7/-0)
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